Data by Authenticom.


Provides a wealth of details about a used car based on available information from insurance companies, dealerships, service shops and police records. Data records drawn from thousands of unique sources, including data that you won't find anywhere else.

Team Velocity

Made by Dealers, for Dealers. Team Velocity’s Apollo is the most advanced technology platform in the automotive industry. Predict, track, sell, and service more customers, all from the palm of your hand.


Volie was built to optimize productivity and value for your BDC. Volie alleviates the mundane daily manual tasks that take away time from the actual customer communications.


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We are thrilled to announce a major update to our platform! This update includes new features designed to improve user experience and enhance functionality. Check out the details by clicking learn more!

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Data by Authenticom.

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Let's Talk.

Our team is ready to discuss how our data solutions can streamline your current data management process with partners, simplifying it into one single, user-friendly platform.